Front Yard Ideas With Lutron Landscape Lighting And Video Doorbells

First impressions start in your front yard and foyer. From automated entry gates, to surveillance cameras to video doorbells, it is now relatively inexpensive to see who is coming and going. Lutron smart lighting aids in these other smart devices and can all be automated. Your foyer design should only include a single Crestron Home keypad or touch panel to make any quick necessary adjustments while welcoming in guests or helping them on their way out. Did the kids get home from school safe? Are the young ones out front in the driveway? Was a package delivered and secure on the porch? HiDef of Red Bank NJ can help you with immediate answers to these questions and more with simple front yard ideas and design. Check out our latest article on the latest in outdoor speakers with lights built in.
Front Yard Ideas & Design Tips
Lighting Scenes: We offer both outdoor and landscape lighting systems that include Lutron lighting solutions. These solutions enable scenes that make your guests feel welcome and save on your energy bills. You can have the outdoor smart lighting come on slowly just after sunset and brighten as the sky goes dark. They are on a chronological timer, so you never need to adjust.
Video Doorbell: Video doorbells have become extremely inexpensive and usually one of the first smart devices in a home. See who is knocking or if the kids arrived home safe, all from your cell phone. You can also have a two way conversation with visitors from wherever you are.
Security Cameras and Lighting: Having additional security cameras coupled with a video door bell and smart landscape lighting gives you insight to your entire property. You can know at a glance where the kids are or turn on some auxiliary lighting for security.